The Centre of Excellence for Cellular Therapy at the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont: 3 years of innovation

Growing stem cells for transplants, selecting cells for injections, “teaching” the immune system to recognize and get rid of a virus or tumour cells, repairing diseased cells by injecting new ones, or using antibodies to kill cancer cells: these are just some of the applications that have been fully deployed at the CECT. After its official launch three years ago, the centre and its team can be proud of how much work has been accomplished between the walls of the most important centre of its kind in Canada.
Directed by Denis-Claude Roy (who is also the Chief Executive Director of CellCAN), the CECT is an international hub for the development of cellular therapy and regenerative medicine. Scientists at the centre regularly make a mark through their leading-edge publications and discoveries.
A number of ongoing clinical studies are bringing concrete hope for short- or medium-term recovery from serious diseases and conditions such as leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, macular degeneration, joint reconstructions, diabetes, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. This anniversary is also an opportunity to take stock of what needs to be done in the coming years to put an end to the most devastating illnesses.
CellCAN supports the CECT’s mission by actively educating the public and decision-makers about the importance of cellular therapy. Martin Giroux, Director of the Cell Processing Facility at the CECT, is excited about everything the centre has accomplished and the persuasive force developed by the different centres in CellCAN’s network: “Cell therapy centres across Canada can now speak with one voice. This is very useful, especially when it comes to our relationship with Health Canada.”
Creating shared standards and practices for all CellCAN network affiliates was also a huge undertaking that, over time, will help ensure that patients get the same high quality of care no matter where they are in Canada.